sábado, 9 de fevereiro de 2013

Teeth out, wires in

I must say, I was quite terrified as I walked into the dentist's room. At least the chair was pretty comfortable. The assistant was a sweety pie and she explained everything to me. The dentist himself came, sat on his chair and without further adue hammered into my mouth so as to extract 4 teeth. The pre-molars.
Although the extraction sites were numb, I still could feel the excruciating pressure he was exercising unto my teeth. I swear I heard the teeh "breaking" as he rotated the roots of the tooth.
After that I proceeded to the Orthodontist to get my wires in.
It was pretty quick and civilized, nothing like horror movies, and so I gracefully walked out of the place and after an hour devoured a burger from McDonald. Little did I know, that night all my tooth were so fragile I could not even think of biting anything. Still today, almost a week after, everything I eat needs to be butchered first so I don't have to bite.
The pain escalated from the teeth extraction to the fact that I got the wires attached to my brackets.
It's weird, it scratches the inside of your mouth, it causes sores, it itches, etc, etc, etc...
Thankfully, each day the pain and irritation decreases - or maybe it's my mouth getting used to it.
I find it fascinating how your body is able to adapt to circumstances. When I first got the brackets on, my mouth wouldn't even close! Now, with the wires, my mouth closes naturally!
It's still hard to speak, plus the fact that I extracted 4 teeth means that when I speak there's open space for saliva to run free!

I was so worries about getting braces and staying toothless, specially because I will be starting college this monday and all that was on my mind was "I'll be that loser with braces at university", but really, there are so many people that no one cares. Ain't nobody got time for that!
My decision is to smile my way through it and enjoy (if possible) every stage of the treatment.. after all, it's a priviledge that I get to fix my teeth and by the end of this, I'll have such a perfect smile I will want to share it with the world! (how philosophical..)

And now, non existent ladies and gents, a picture of my teeth:

segunda-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2013

Day 1: Brackets on, brackets off!

So I finally got the grill working.
Surprisingly there was no pain at all! I must admit this is what I expected:
Thankfully it was nothing of that sort.
Everything was actually pretty chilled. I sat in my little (huge) black chair and the lady started doing her work in my mouth.
I was so excited and happy when I saw all this metal on my teeth... until I ate a beautifully succulent cheese and chicken sandwich and one of my brackets came off! On the first day and I already have stories to tell!
Glad I created this blog, it will hopefully get me through these next two years of my life.

It's been miserable so far, I can't eat and bite crusty things! I have to butcher everything on my plate and now I feel cruel as I butchered that piece of chicken. How about going vegetarian for two years?
Well, at least I'll be (forcibly) eating healthy for the time being.

I probably should include a picture of my beautifully incomplete - yes, I'm missing the wire plus have to extract 4 teeth - teeth.
But I'm far too lazy now.